One Potato: Fifty Three Deaths, Five Survivors: A Catalogue of Untimely Demise and Stubborn Survival

The One Potato series by Svenja Kratz reflects her experimentation with plant culture techniques during a six-month residency as Fringe Catalyst at The Edge, State Library of Queensland, in 2013. The work documents the decline and demise of 53 plants derived from a single sweet potato, cataloging the various causes of death of the clones. The installation includes the five surviving plants alongside the original husk of the sweet potato, symbolizing resilience amid fragility. One Potato highlights the unpredictability of biological experimentation and celebrates the creative deviations that emerged through the plant culture process.


Svenja Kratz, One Potato: Fifty Three Deaths, Five Survivors, 2013. Mixed Media: Slides, Framed Plant Clones, Living Plant Clones, MDF, Sweet Potato Husk, Glass