Life and Death Vessels: Complexity and Interconnection

Life and Death Vessels: Complexity and Interconnection is an installation comprising three dioramas with light panels that feature a diverse collection of specimens from Queensland’s Moreton Bay Region. Created for the group exhibition Disassemble | Reassemble at the Caboolture Regional Gallery, this work examines the intricate relationships between humans, organisms, and their environments, particularly within local ecosystems.

Through the detailed remediation of these specimens, the installation comments on the deep interconnections that sustain life in the Moreton Bay area, highlighting how each organism is part of a broader ecological network. The work invites viewers to reflect on the delicate balance of life and death within natural systems, emphasising the complexity of interactions that define ecosystems and the impact of human presence within them. Life and Death Vessels serves as both an exploration and a reminder of the region’s biodiversity and our responsibility to engage thoughtfully with it.


Svenja Kratz, Life and Death Vessels: Complexity and Interconnection, 2015. Mixed Media: Glass Cabinet, Rocks, Organic Specimens and Rubbish Collected from Moreton Bay, Epoxy, Clay, Enamel, Resin, Polymer Clay, Canvass, LED Lights, Latex, Acrylic, Canvas.