78 Impressions of a Single Object
78 Impressions of a Single Object consists of 78 plaster impressions of a bone-like sculptural form referencing the bone cancer origins of the Soas-2 cell line. This work reflects on the laborious process of growing cells in culture, where each split (passage) into another flask resulting in subtle changes to the original line. Although each plaster impression originates from a single object, variations arise from factors such as the angle of the object during the impression, the applied pressure, and the dryness of the plaster at the time of casting. These nuances create a series of unique forms that, while related, differ in their minute details.
The original bone-like form itself changed over time as layers of plaster adhered to its surface, subtly altering its structure and reinforcing the theme of gradual transformation. This interplay of replication and variation serves as a metaphor for the dynamic nature of biological and creative processes, where each iteration carries echoes of its predecessor while manifesting new qualities. The work invites viewers to contemplate how repetition and subtle changes contribute to a continuous state of becoming, highlighting the impermanence and adaptability inherent in both organic and artistic systems. Through these shifting impressions, Fragments of a Body in the Process of Becoming Other underscores the delicate balance between constancy and change, suggesting that identity is not fixed but perpetually influenced by interactions and the passage of time.
This work forms part of The Absence of Alice series.
Svenja Kratz, 78 Impressions of a Single Object, 2008. Plaster. Approx. 200 x 200 x 30mm ea.